Moving Into The Digital Classroom

Dear Elms Community:

The safety and care for our students and their families are our number one priority. The impact of COVID-19 has been top of mind this week. We have been in daily communication with other Catholic School leadership throughout the Diocese, as the fluidity of this situation is staggering. To that end, this is the third version of my letter to families since Thursday morning!

Cancelling School

The Elms is committed to remaining in session as long as possible. The Governor’s decision this afternoon to close schools for three weeks beginning at the close of business on Monday, March 16, was not unexpected. As I said this afternoon, the impact of COVID-19 on children is not the primary concern, but they can carry the virus home to parents and grandparents.

Every teacher at the Elms is making plans for how she or he can continue to offer your child the educational opportunities you expect from the Elms. We do not perceive this to be a break from learning.  

Here are ways we are committed to continual digital learning for the next three weeks: 

  • Google Classroom is a platform our teachers work with now, and they can continue to work with our students via this avenue;  

  • classroom apps are used by the Primary School girls, and they can continue to access their work while we are not in session; and

  • Digital Academy also offers three different methods through which Middle and High School students can access curricula.  

Our teachers are prepared to move to digital learning in a manner that is best for them and their discipline beginning on Tuesday, March 17. They will share information with their students today and on Monday.

Increased Awareness

After school on Monday, we will begin a process of disinfecting and sanitizing the buildings. Teachers and staff will have access to the buildings beginning on Monday, March 23. Elms events scheduled through the end of March will be rescheduled or canceled. Exact details will be forthcoming.

We continue to track recommendations from the State and local public health agencies. We encourage the entire Elms community to continue to follow the Center for Disease Control's advice for limiting the spread of infectious disease:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

  • Cover coughs/sneezes with your arm or a tissue.

  • Avoid exposure to others who are sick.

  • Stay home if you are ill (except to visit a health care professional) and avoid close contact with others.

  • Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals to ensure a healthy immune system.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

We have established this blog so that you can visit for continual updates during this three week period.

At this time, we plan to honor our spring break schedule on April 10th - 19th. We will return to school for Holy Week before sending you on vacation.

Blessings to all of you, 

Deborah Farquhar Jones
President, Our Lady of the Elms

Amber Hejl