Guidance Counseling


Our school counselors are available to work with all students regarding any personal, social, vocational or academic related concerns.  Students are encouraged to get to know their counselor so that they feel they have a confidential and safe place to come when needed.   Counselors only reveal confidential information if a student is being harmed, harming themselves, or poses a potential harm to others.  Students should try to see the school counselor during their free time, before or after school, or during a study hall and should only come during class time if they have an emergency.

School counselors are able to provide assistance to students AND parents/guardians through a variety of means including: 

  • Individual counseling

  • Small group counseling

  • Classroom guidance lessons

  • Study skills/executive function

  • Teacher and parent consultation

  • Conferences

  • Standardized testing & related accommodations

  • Classroom accommodations

  • Community based referrals

  • College credit plus

  • Summer enrichment opportunities

Parents are encouraged to contact a school counselor with any questions or concerns they have related to their daughter and her well-being at school. 

Phone: (330)867-0880, ext. 1372