Summit County - Level 4

Dear Elms Community:

Welcome to December! I hope you are enjoying family time this holiday season and staying as safe as possible. Yesterday’s news that Summit County is now at Level 4 – Purple is disheartening to all of us. We recognize that some families may have loved ones suffering from COVID and/or may have lost a family member or friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

Our Lady of the Elms remains committed to doing what’s best for our entire community. The State of Ohio has left the decision about whether or not we continue with our plan for in-person learning in our hands. Schools supply an essential service in the COVID definitions that have been distributed. Over the past several days we have evaluated, assessed and determined the following:

  1. The Elms community has had two confirmed student cases of COVID. The second occurred just as we were transitioning to Thanksgiving break on Friday, November 20, and the student had not been in school since the beginning of that week. Both students are recovered.

  2. Our belief that the girls are better in school is unwavering. In the next two weeks, we have nine school days until two weeks of Christmas break to be followed by one week of continuous learning from home. We know the girls want to be here and socially and emotionally will be better if we are in-person.

  3. We are willing to continue with our in-person learning plan. I must reinforce the need for utmost adherence to health protocols if we are to remain in-person. Please share with your child the following:

  • Do not come to school if you do not feel well.

  • Please do not allow your student to exit your car without properly wearing a mask.

  • We will continue our practice of taking temperatures in the carline or as you enter the building. We will not allow anyone with a high temperature to attend school.

  • Handwashing truly does make a difference and remains a vital component to stopping the spread. Hand sanitizer stations are everywhere at the Elms. Please ask your child to take advantage of the sanitizer stations and wash hands frequently.

  • If we have positive cases we will notify our community immediately after we have contact traced the movement of the student and informed any family whose child came into close contact with the infected student.

  • Social distancing has been our battle cry since the beginning. Based on our community results, I would say it has made a tremendous difference. Please speak with your child about the need to socially distance. The girls love each other and are sometimes quick with a hug, a smile or the need to share. Please ask them to refrain. I promise there will be a day when they can go back to being just girls. (I look forward to that day, too.)

We will proceed with in-person school on Monday. Tuesday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and we will have two separate Masses in order to keep students socially distanced. We will keep you informed of any new developments and are cheering our girls from the sidelines with the hope of getting to Christmas break safely.

As always, thank you for entrusting your child’s education to us! We are honored to be partnering with you and your family.


Deborah Farquhar Jones


Amber Hejl