Updates On Masking

Hello Elms Community,

Happy Friday! Thank you, again, for entrusting your child's education to us. With more than 80% of families returning to the Elms in the fall, we feel buoyed as we strive to offer an exceptional academic experience. As we continue our efforts to keep every child safe at school, we recognize this week's news from the CDC has parents wondering about next steps for the Elms. The CDC has made significant updates to the masking recommendations and is now recommending varying levels of masking based on a community's COVID-19 designation or level. The designations are high, medium and low based on hospital beds being used, hospital admissions and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in the area. The CDC has developed a COVID-19 Community Checker where you can search the current levels across the United States down to the County level. The interactive CDC Covid-19 Community Checker is located here. Currently, Summit County is at COVID-19 Community Level Green/low.

With this in mind, beginning on Monday, March 7, our safety protocols will change as follows:

  1. Masks -- although strongly recommended -- are optional at the discretion of the family.

  2. Classrooms will adhere to CDC social distancing requirements (3’- 6’apart). In some cases, this means your daughter's classroom may look different on Monday.

  3. We will continue to use air filtration systems in our classrooms. In preparation for Monday's changes, we will check all systems for effectiveness.

  4. Whenever students are in large group settings, masks will be required.

  5. If Summit County's community COVID-19 level returns to high, masks will once again be required.

  6. If you or your child are not feeling well, please stay home and get tested.

Deborah Farquhar Jones


Amber Hejl